Monday, May 02, 2011

As investors buy low-priced real estate, homeowners who want to sell are dragged down by the relentless flood of foreclosures and short sales, plus appraisers lowballing their deals.
How can intuition help you?
If you are selling, ask which listing agent will be right for you.
If buying, ask if your appraiser has a clue, which lender, which house are right for you.
Not sure about your intuition?
I am happy to train you and your team in my Master Intuition System, which applies to
all aspects of business and real estate. This is worth millions to you in higher revenue, lower risk, greatater clarity, more peace of mind, and a much easier road to wealth. Contact me (only for consulting) at
Please do not send me any ads. Thanks much.
Dr Linne
4th generation intuitive, economist, leadership/change expert, author, speaker, strategest...
Author, Master Intuition System

Copyright 2005-2011. All Rights Reserved.Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Intuition Makes You Money and Lowers Your Risk!


Haven't been involved in real estate lately but using my intuition in my business, works great for sequencing tasks, what to do first? Very helpful for overwhelmed entrepreneurs/investors.
Also for checking out your deals, which will work, which not? Why?

Other examples also useful for real estate investing:

I was involved in funding a large deal, my longtime intuitive friend of 30 yrs. said it would not be funded. As I had her intuition, I was not upset and handled the change with grace, calming all involved.
At the last minute the funders changed the terms increasing the risks, so we chose another path to get my clients 2 smaller companies funded instead, putting the larger company on the back burner for now...that can come later. As I had her intuition, I was not upset and handled the change with grace, calming all involved. I do the same for her. We have that agreement.

Lower your risk, build your intuition to a high degree of accuracy. We have a 30 yrs. tried and true system for this and can help you --can you separate your intuition from your emotions?
We can teach you how!

Wishing you the best of success,
Dr. Linne Bourget, MA MBA Ph.D.
Check out my site for my positive communications books, audios, ebooks, very helpful in creating high-trust relationships quickly so they will choose you to do business with!

Copyright 2005-2011. All Rights Reserved.Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.