Sunday, December 16, 2007

And Then My Intuition Said, "Wait, Wait", Don't Apply for the Mortgage Yet

HI Everyone,
OK , we all know what it is like in real estate now. Ok, now, keep it clean!
I know it is painful. As an economist, and leadership expert, it hurts doubly to see the Fed
so far behind the curve and good folks like me who were not unrealistic and greedy get hurt!

So, what is a real estate investor to do? In tough times, turn to your intuition!

The sellers were pressuring me for a close date, but somehow I just did not feel right
about moving forward. My 2 mortgage folks were not responding quickly to me even
though they needed and wanted my business. They gave out little bits of info. but not all the
details I needed to decide. What to do?

I kept asking my intuition when I could get out of the upset and go into neutral, and I kept getting "wait." Usually my least favorite answer from my intuition. But I trusted it. So I waited.

Three cool things happened:
1 New mortgage guy showed up w/better deal and conditions.
2. The Fed lowered rates, saving me money.
3. A friend in the mortgage business gave me some industry information which put me in
a better negotiating position.

Thank you intuition! I will end up with a better deal!

Have a great month. Don't give up. This will turn around soon, and hey, if you are into
positive visualization or prayer, ask for and envision the real estate market turning around and values going up again soon! Thank you!

Wishing you the best of success and peace and joy at this holiday time!! Whatever holidays you observe, enjoy!

One of my goals or 2008 is to finish my Master Intuition System for Real Estate home study course for investors, agents and homebuyers!

Dr. Linne Bourget

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's a Tough Market - So What Can You Do?

Dear Friends and Fellow Investors,

I know it has been awhile - two other books were put ahead of this system by my intuition, chose to go with that, of course. See details below. Meanwhile, what can you do about real estate? The Fed is behind the curve on what it is really like for us outside the beltway, so these are tough times for us.

In recent months the media have made a bad situation worse for real estate. Sure, you can get those foreclosures every real estate expert is exhorting you to buy. But what is your exit strategy? How can you sell the properties? And how can you get credit? This is crunch time!

Actually, this was the situation when I sold my first house in the early 1990's. It was a really down market. Neighbors were losing tens of thousands of dollars on their homes, which sat on the market for 7,8,9,10 months. The entire neighborhood was depressed!

So how did I get a contract in 6 weeks and make a $50,000 profit?

I had no experience selling real estate. There was no internet. I had no idea what to do. My intuition said to sell it myself! I said to my intuition, "You gotta be kidding." When you live intuitively, your conversations get really interesting! Yet since I was raised to trust my intuition, I could not dismiss this. I had already started my Master Intuition System for Leaders. I had to walk my talk.

So I did two things, my usual Intellect-Intuition partnership.

1. The intellect part: I did what I knew how to do, research! I went to the library down the street and checked out every book on how to sell your own home, spreading them out on the dining room table and flying low through every one. I went to a seminar on the topic. I made a master list of everything that experts said needed to be done in every room and outside, hired the daughter of a neighbor to help me and we went through the list and did the work.

2. The intuition part: I checked to make sure it was OK to sell and move. My intuition said yes. I asked my intuition the best things to do during the fix-up stage, like should I put in a new stove. Yes. I did.

When a potential buyer came who seemed too pushy, I asked if this was the best buyer for the house. A clear strong yes. While holding to my reasonable requirements for price and all, I was willing to deal with this buyer even though he was not my choice for this beautiful healing home. Intuition said yes, though, so he got the home.

Otherwise, I would have priced him out and waited for someone less arrogant and more caring. Looking back later, I realized that he needed the healing of living there, so it was a good thing.

And that dear friends is how I got my house sold in 6 weeks in a really bad market and made a $50,000 profit! So don't give up on your dreams and goals. Just shift strategies!

Want this level of intuition, so you can rely on it for major financial decisions? My Master Intuition System for real estate will come out in 2008. Why the delay? My intuition guided me to finish two books first and they are just now going to print:

1. To shift leadership into a more positive place: From Old Power to New Power - Which
Leaders Will Survive?
To strenthen marriages: Appreciation - The Secret Key to a Magical Marriage

Wishing you the best of deals, profit, and peace of mind!
Dr. Linne Bourget

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Why Did My Intuition Say to Stay Home That Week?

Hi Everyone,
I kept not making reservations to see the family for my summer trip. Something
kept holding me back. The fingers just would not do it.

One morning I asked my intuition. My intuition said I
was to be here that week, not travel out of town. I re-configured
my plans, wondering......

Not a clue as to why. But early the next morning, just 24 hours later, I got a call from
a real estate investment trainer who had a group of colleagues with large email
lists. He wanted my Master Intuition System for real estate, saying I had the missing
piece!! He was adamant. When he found out my city, he said he would be
there in a couple of weeks and wanted to meet me! The date? It was in
three weeks, when I would have been out of town.

Thanks to my intuition, I will be here, he is on my calendar and we are
both excited about a possible joint venture.

Thank you intuition, I appreciate your help!!

What is your intuition telling you?

Coming soon:

This will be so much fun! Greater profits, lower risk!

Dr. Linne Bourget

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved

Monday, June 04, 2007

When the Real Estate Market Gets Tough, Got Intuition?

Hi Everyone,

Ok, it's still tough out there.
People are trying to sell properties.
It is taking a long time.
Some are losing money.
Some are still hoping to make money if only they can find
a buyer.
Some are wishing they had cash to invest now.

What's an investor to do?

Remember your intuition, your inner business parter.
Your intuition can guide you through all of these challenges.
But only if you know how it works.
Have you ever ignored your intuition and were sorry later?
Have you ever listened and been very glad?
Whatever your situation, intuition can help.

My intuition told me to go onto a certain phone real estate help session.
There I found a key to help me move forward in a challenging situation.
Someone was there to help me in the real estate situation and I would not have known to ask.
This was a great relief, a door opening.

What does your intuition tell you? Got accurate intuition?
My new Master Intuition System for Real Estate is coming soon!
It can make your life easier.

Watch for coming soon for the manual, workbooks and audios in the home study system.
Meanwhile we are at

Wishing you the best of deals and the most peace of mind!!

Dr. Linne Bourget

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved

Monday, May 07, 2007

Who Else Needs Better Intuition for Selling Real Estate

Hi, Everyone,

A New Challenge for Intuition!!

Here I am, in the midst of selling a great condo in Colorado Springs under a tight timeline, with lots of pressure and money on the line! I have always sold successfully when I was there to decorate and show the property, but for the first time I am doing this all at a distance in a city where I do not have a large close personal network!! Nerve-wracking!

I am finding the greatest challenge amidst this pressure is to have access to my intuition in my usual calm way.


Take breaks, get out of the office, go outside, breathe, relax, get enough distance from it so my intuition can be accurate. Focus on something else for a few minutes, do something I enjoy. Mental reset! Then ask my intuition.

Also of course, I am listing it in many places and putting ads in the paper.

Try this or find something that works for you!

Wishing you the best,
Dr. Linne Bourget

New training system coming soon!

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved

Monday, March 12, 2007

What is the Greatest Risk in Real Estate?

Hi, Everyone,

Every business has its risks. Real estate is no exception. Just finished reading Karen Nelson Bell's Nothing Down for Women, which is stellar. She reminds us that asking questions is of paramount importance in real estate profits. Well, the same thing is true
of working with your intuition in real estate.

What is your risk? Same as mine. It is the questions you don't think to ask your intuition that come back to bite your ankles.

Where are your blind spots? We all have them. I am no exception. What are the questions you don't think to ask? Mine are the ethical questions. I do business ethically, so it never occured to me that someone will lie or cheat. I simply forgot to ask that question, and ended up with minor losses as a result, and some properties I needed to sell.

My occupational hazard: As a positive leadership expert, I forget to ask about the most negative possibilities. How about you? What are your habits that bias your use of intuition? Think about this.

Sorry to have to say this, but there are those who are not enlightened investors, so remember to ask your intuition about any hidden issues or dangers. Do not put fear negative energy into this, but remember to ask your intuition. If you make great friends with it, it will keep you out of trouble. More about this soon at our site with the completion of the Master Intuition System for Real Estate. I am currently working on the audios that go with the training manual. It is fun, an extra layer of resources for more profitable deals.

Email us at if you want to be among the first to have access to this twenty-year tried and true system.

Great deals and peace to you,
Dr. Linne Bourget

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Intuition for Real Estate - Details, Details, Details

Dear Friends,

This month I have been thinking about details. Now, details are important, to be sure.
But if you are like me, a big picture person, an entrepreneur, it can be tempting to skip over the details. After all, they can be boring, yes?

In real estate, this can spell trouble. So here is my friendly reminder for you.
In my first house, I forgot to ask my intuition about what color carpets to put down. My intuition worked great for the big questions, like which home to buy for my first home. My intuition system got me in the right house and kept me out of the wrong house. I ended up in the best house for living and for resale profits!

Even so, when it came to the details, like carpet, I did not ask my intuition, and so, as embarrassed as I am to admit it, I put down blue and rose carpets in the bedrooms instead of thse great resale neutrals. Sigh. So on resale I could have made more profit. I still did well, but
I could have done a little bit better.

So if you want to do better, use my Master Intuition System for Real Estate, due out soon, with the foreword by Robert G. Allen of No Money Down real esate fame, for all those little details in addition to the big questions.

You know my motto: More gain, less pain!

This month, tell your customers and deal team members what you appreciate about them. It is Valentine's month!

Enjoy! Email me at until the website is up!!

Happy deals!
Dr. Linne Bourget

PS Cynics and curmudgeons need not apply. Intuition only flourishes in a positive business atmosphere. Learn how to create this with my book What You Say Is What You Get(R): The Secret Language of Great Business Results, available at

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved

Friday, January 12, 2007

Your Real Estate Intuition Goals for 2007

Dear Fellow Investors, Agents and Financial folks in real estate,

Few things are as much fun or as humbling as intuition in real estate. What successes
did your intuition bring you in your deals? When do you wish you had listened and did not?
When did you hear what you wanted to instead of what your intuition was really saying to you?

Sit down with yourself and have a meeting. Look over 2006 and find out when you
used your intuition successfully and when you missed it or forgot to ask.

Then set your intuition goals for 2007, for better results in your deals and more profits.

Your intuition is your business partner! Listen to it with respect!

If you practice faithfully using a system, you can increase your profits with less stress!

Have a great time!

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.B.A., Ph.D.
Visit us at for great business books and audios.
comging soon: The Master Intuition System for Real Estate!

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
Copyright 2005-2008. All Rights Reserved