Monday, June 04, 2007

When the Real Estate Market Gets Tough, Got Intuition?

Hi Everyone,

Ok, it's still tough out there.
People are trying to sell properties.
It is taking a long time.
Some are losing money.
Some are still hoping to make money if only they can find
a buyer.
Some are wishing they had cash to invest now.

What's an investor to do?

Remember your intuition, your inner business parter.
Your intuition can guide you through all of these challenges.
But only if you know how it works.
Have you ever ignored your intuition and were sorry later?
Have you ever listened and been very glad?
Whatever your situation, intuition can help.

My intuition told me to go onto a certain phone real estate help session.
There I found a key to help me move forward in a challenging situation.
Someone was there to help me in the real estate situation and I would not have known to ask.
This was a great relief, a door opening.

What does your intuition tell you? Got accurate intuition?
My new Master Intuition System for Real Estate is coming soon!
It can make your life easier.

Watch for coming soon for the manual, workbooks and audios in the home study system.
Meanwhile we are at

Wishing you the best of deals and the most peace of mind!!

Dr. Linne Bourget

Dr. Linne Bourget, M.A., M.B.A.,Ph.D
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